To do at the lodge or nearby
While you stay at Utengule coffee lodge, many activities are offered to make your time even more enjoyable. If you wish to do one of our activities nearby the lodge, please contact our receptionist.
Pool & Sports
Enjoy the sun at the poolside and have refreshing jumps into the water. Or have a good play on the squash or the tennis court, right in front of the main building. Play a pool or table tennis game or get your feet sandy during a match on our volleyball court.
Coffee Tour
This tour takes you through the coffee plantation with explanations from seed to cup, ending with a roasting demonstration and a cup of our home-grown coffee. Immerse yourself in the world of Utengule coffee.
Village Walks
In the cooler hours of the day we offer a 4 km walk to Idugumbi Village with stops for enjoying the incredible scenery and getting an insight into the local life. This tour is highly reccomended at sunset hours, for the best views and ambience.
Tegemeo Waterfall
Situated on one of our coffee farms, this hidden gem can be visited by our guests. After a short drive and a 40-minute hike you can enjoy a refreshing swim in the natural pool.
World's end viewpoint
This is a spectacular hidden spot for picnics and sundowners. It's about an hours drive from the lodge and offers a memorable drive up to the highest point of all trunk roads in Tanzania. Highly recommended by our marketing chef Abdul ;) Travel Tip: Leave late afternoon with snacks and sundowner drinks and return to the lodge for dinner.